Who will move 300 pianos?
Mr. Roe loves old pianos! He has hundreds. He fixes them up.
He stored everything in a big shop. But the owner sold the shop.
Mr. Roe has to move the pianos. But he is old. Who will help him?
READ MORE: Over 300 pianos for sale or repair fill Eugene Roe’s shop and showroom in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. But the owner sold the building. Mr. Roe found a new place for his work. But the 84-year-old can’t afford to pay movers. He had to be out of the shop at the end of September. Perhaps friendly people will help Mr. Roe. That would show what Romans 15:2 teaches: “Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.”Lesson #7: Strings and Sound. How do Mr. Roe’s pianos make sound? Do this simple experiment to begin a lesson on vibration. Place a ruler on the edge of a desk. Let about eight inches of it hang over the side. Place your hand on the four inches lying on the desk. Whack the end that hangs off the desk with your other hand. What happens? In the same way each key on a piano operates a tiny felt-covered hammer that strikes a string or strings. The strings vibrate to make a musical tone. The vibrating makes the sides of the piano vibrate at that same frequency. That makes the sound louder.