Would Mom let you keep it? | God's World News


Would Mom let you keep it?

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    This Gorgosaurus skeleton was for sale. (AP/Julia Nikhinson)
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    A man shows how big the dino is. (AP/Julia Nikhinson)
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    These dinos had sharp teeth. (AP/Julia Nikhinson)
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    The Gorgosaurus bones sold for a lot of money. (AP/Julia Nikhinson)
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    This is what an artist thinks the dinosaur might have looked like. (Levi Bernardo/CC BY-SA 3.0)
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This is the skeleton of a Gorgosaurus (gor-guh-sor-ehs) dinosaur.  People found it found 4 years ago in Montana. 

It was sold in July.  Did the new owner put it in the living room?

Pray: Thank God for allowing people to discover many things about creatures that lived so long ago.

Read More: What is the biggest animal you have ever seen? The meat-eating Gorgosaurus stood 10 feet tall. It was 22 feet long. This skeleton is the only one that was owned by a private party. All other known Gorgosaurus skeletons are in museums. These dinos lived in places that are now Alberta in Canada and Montana and North Carolina in the United States. “And God said, ‘Let the Earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds.’” (Genesis 1:24)