Yuna gets a safe home. | God's World News

Yuna gets a safe home.

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    Yuna moved from Ukraine to The Big Cat Sanctuary in England in August. (The Big Cat Sanctuary/Cover Images/Reuters)
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    Yuna was stressed by living in an area with war. People moved her to a safe home. (The Big Cat Sanctuary/Cover Images/Reuters)
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    Yuna has space to roam now. Her health improves. (The Big Cat Sanctuary/Cover Images/Reuters)
  • 4 yuna lioness
    Yuna moves around in her new home. (The Big Cat Sanctuary/Cover Images/Reuters)
  • 1 yuna lioness
  • 2 yuna lioness
  • 3 yuna lioness
  • 4 yuna lioness


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Yuna lived where there is war.  She stayed on a concrete floor.  She did not eat healthy food.

People moved her.  Now she grows strong.  She scratches trees.  She learns to play.

Pray: Thank God for those who protect animals in times of war.  Pray the war will end soon.

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Military volunteers found Yuna in 2023. She was in a house in Ukraine with a male lion. Both lived in a small space. Planes drop bombs during war. They shake the ground. Animals get stressed. The male was rough with Yuna. She also had wounds from staying on concrete. She weighed too much. She could not stand. People moved Yuna in August to The Big Cat Sanctuary in England. Yuna enjoys grass and rain for the first time. 

“He makes me lie down in green pastures. . . . He restores my soul.” (Psalm 23:2-3)