Are they alike inside and out? | God's World News


Are they alike inside and out?

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    These twins might look alike. But they probably have little differences.
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    These are twins holding twins! (AP/Ramon Espinosa)
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    The Jim twins were adopted by different families. But they lived much alike. (AP)
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    Identical twins Alf, front, and Sven, hold baby twins in Berlin, Germany. (AP/Jockel Finck)
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    These ladies are twins. They look at a photo of themselves as babies. (Matthew Apgar/Northwest Herald/AP)
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Identical [eye-den-tek-ul] twins are hard to tell apart. They look just alike. But are they exactly the same? Inside and out?

Scientists in Iceland tested cells from many sets of twins. Identical twins are not exact copies of each other.

Read More: Do you know identical twins? Are you one? Then you might have been able to answer the title question yourself. Scientists once thought that physical differences between identical twins were because of things like the foods they eat or the exercise they get. But this testing showed tiny differences between some cells in the twins’ bodies. They are not exactly alike. Do you know the story of Jacob and Esau? Were they identical twins? Read Genesis 25:24-27.