It helps people in need. | God's World News

It helps people in need.

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    Mr. Kahn put the fridge on the street. (AP)
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    Two women put food in the fridge. (AP)
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    Mr. Kahn puts food in to help people. (AP)
  • 4 fridge
    Hungry people can get food to eat. (AP)
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Woosung is a busy street in Hong Kong. Why does a blue fridge sit on a sidewalk there?

People leave food inside. Some even drop off socks and towels. Others can take what they need.

Read More: Ahmen Kahn placed the refrigerator in front of a hockey school. He wants people who have plenty to give what they can. Then others can take whatever they need. Mr. Khan says he wants people who need food to feel as if they are opening a fridge in their own homes. Packages of biscuits, instant noodles, and other snacks are small things. But even these can show kindness to others. Proverbs 22:9 reminds us, “Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.”