Bricks let the light in. | God's World News

Bricks let the light in.

  • 1 Glass bricks
    A woman takes a picture of a window. It is made from glass bricks. (Valery Melnikov/Sputnik via AP)
  • 2 Glass bricks
    People make the bricks in different colors. (Valery Melnikov/Sputnik via AP)
  • 3 Glass bricks
    Glass bricks let light through. (Institut Catholique de Paris)
  • 4 Glass bricks
    Glassblowers recycle glass bottles. They turn them into bricks. (123RF)
  • 5 Glass bricks
    Gustave Falconnier invented the glass bricks. (Public domain)
  • 1 Glass bricks
  • 2 Glass bricks
  • 3 Glass bricks
  • 4 Glass bricks
  • 5 Glass bricks


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Light shines through these bricks.  They are made of glass!  Huff and puff on them.  They won’t fall down.

Mr. F. made bricks out of glass long ago.  Now people make them again.

Thank God for fun ideas that make homes strong and lovely.

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Gustave Falconnier was a Swiss architect born in 1845. He had a great idea in the late 1880s. Why not make hollow glass bricks? They let in light. They keep houses cozy in winter and cooler in summer. People outside can not see inside. And they are pretty! Glass blowers used a mold to blow Falconnier’s bricks. These bricks are light and last a long time. People in St. Petersburg, Russia, take used bottles. They make them into bricks like Falconnier did.

“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established.” (Proverbs 24:4)