Dance for your food. | God's World News

Dance for your food.

  • 1 Poison Dart Frog 42958742 123rf
    People believe poison dart frogs tap their toes to get insects moving. That may make insects easier to catch and eat. (123rf)
  • 2 Poison Dart Frog 57313445 123rf
    This striped poison dart frog is at home in the rainforest of Peru. Most live in Central and South America. (123rf)
  • 3 Poison Dart Frog 74263921 123rf
    Poison dart frogs have bright colors. That warns other animals, “Do not eat me!” Their skin releases poison. (123rf)
  • 4 Poison Dart Frog AP17058561507346
    Poison dart frogs release poison because of what they eat. The frogs that eat ants, mites, and termites are more toxic. (AP)
  • 5 Yellow banded AP20242433260110
    Poison dart frogs are small. The biggest ones are only about two inches long. (Vit Simanek, CTK via AP)
  • 1 Poison Dart Frog 42958742 123rf
  • 2 Poison Dart Frog 57313445 123rf
  • 3 Poison Dart Frog 74263921 123rf
  • 4 Poison Dart Frog AP17058561507346
  • 5 Yellow banded AP20242433260110


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Put out this frog’s favorite treat.  Watch that frog get happy feet.

These frogs tap their toes when they see insects.  That tapping may cause insects to move more.   Slurp!   The frogs lick them up.

Pray: Thank God He gives each creature ways to find food to survive.

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Some animals dance to find a mate. Scientists believe poison dart frogs dance to make their dinner move. These frogs tap the middle toes of their hind feet. Sometimes they tap up to 500 times per minute. They do this dance mostly when they see insects. Scientists offered poison dart frogs fruit flies. The frogs tapped their toes more when they saw moving flies. The toe dancing likely startles insects. The tiny critters move even more. That makes them easier to spot and eat.

“He gives to the beasts their food.” (Psalm 147:9)