Did we find the lost birds? | God's World News

Did we find the lost birds?

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    The ivory-billed woodpecker is hard to find. (AP/Mike Wintroath)
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    This photo of an ivory-billed woodpecker was taken almost 90 years ago. (AP)
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    Ivory-billed woodpeckers have red feathers on their heads. (AP/Haven Daley)
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    Ivory-billed woodpeckers have red feathers on their heads. (AP/Haven Daley)
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    A man looks for the woodpeckers in Arkansas. (AP/Mike Wintroath)
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Where are the woodpeckers? Many years pass. Nobody sees one.

Now, click! Someone snaps photos. Do the pictures show the lost birds? Some say yes. Others say no.

Pray: Ask God to help you trust Him. He knows everything. He sees every woodpecker in the forest!

Read More: U.S. lawmakers have a decision to make. Should they declare the ivory-billed woodpecker extinct? The birds seem hard to miss. Their wingspan stretches two and a half feet long. Their call sounds like a bicycle horn. But they live in thick, hard-to-explore woods. People saw the last known ivory-bill way back in 1944. Do new, unclear photographs from Louisiana show two more? Or do they show a common type of woodpecker instead?

“For He looks to the ends of the Earth and sees everything under the heavens.” (Job 28:24)