Do not throw away that food! | God's World News

Do not throw away that food!

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    Tyler Malek is the head ice cream maker at Salt & Straw in Portland, Oregon. He uses food others might waste in his ice cream flavors. (Handout)
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    Tyler Malek scoops “Day-Old Bread Pudding” ice cream at Salt & Straw’s store in Los Gatos, California. (AP/Haven Daley)
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    Angie Crone speaks to a mushroom farmer who sells “ugly” produce at a farmers’ market in San Francisco, California. (AP/Haven Daley)
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    A dish that uses “ugly” veggies is served at Shuggie’s Trash Pie restaurant in San Francisco, California. (AP/Jeff Chiu)
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    People sit in the outdoor dining area of Shuggie’s Trash Pie restaurant in San Francisco, California. (AP/Jeff Chiu)
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Would you taste a white berry? Would you eat a carrot with a weird shape? People often throw out ugly fruits and veggies.

We can eat these funny foods. They still taste great.

Pray: Thank God for the food you enjoy. Leftover food is tasty. Food that looks weird can be yummy.

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People throw away over 35 million tons of food each year in the United States. Restaurants and stores often get rid of food due to its shape or color. But a restaurant in California puts peppers with odd shapes on its pizzas. It also uses ugly mushrooms. Strained milk leaves behind a liquid called whey. It is often tossed out. Tyler Malek’s ice cream stores use whey to make lemon curd flavor. 

“For everything created by God is good. And nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.” (1 Timothy 4:4)