Do you know this game? | God's World News

Do you know this game?

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    Members of the Philly Mah-Jawng Club teach Sarah Wright (center) and Kiu Lau (far right) how to play mahjong in Philadelphia. (AP)
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    A player makes a move while playing with the Philly Mah-Jawng Club in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (AP)
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    The Philly Mah-Jawng Club’s Taylor Heffernan (striped shirt) teaches Polly Edelstein (to his right) the game that he hopes will catch on in the United States. (AP)
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    People play mahjong at a shop in Hong Kong. The game is popular in much of the world, but not so much in the United States . . . so far. (AP)
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    Players learn the meaning of marks and colors on mahjong game pieces. (AP)
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Snowflake. Dazzle. Betty. These are not pet names. They are names used in a board game.

The game was played long ago in China. It is called “mahjong.” And Taylor H. wants Americans to learn this game.

He started a mahjong club. People play in shops and cafes.


READ MORE: Mahjong rules are not exactly the same every place it is played. There are hundreds of game tiles. They have Chinese characters and numbers on them. Taylor Heffernan learned to play mahjong as a child. He started the Philadelphia mahjong club.  Everyone there is still learning.  So Proverbs 19:20 can be helpful. “Listen to advice and accept instruction.”