New eels are super-charged. | God's World News

New eels are super-charged.

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    An Electrophorus voltai, one of the two newly discovered electric eel species, in Brazil’s Xingu River (AP)
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    This photo shows a typical electric eel habitat in Suriname’s Coppename River. (AP)
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    This photo shows a typical electric eel habitat in in Brazil’s Itaquai River. (AP)
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    Electrophorus voltai. While 250 species of fish in South America generate electricity, only electric eels use it to stun prey and for self-protection. (AP)
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    Researchers found the new types of eel on the continent of South America.
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Wow! Scientists found new eels. Zap! They shoot electricity.

Pop! They give a big jolt.

Ka-pow! The new eels make way more power than other electric eels.


Read More: Electric eels live in South America. They are fish that look like snakes. Their slippery bodies make electricity. Scientists found two new kinds of eels. One kind can zap 860 volts of electricity from their bodies. The highest charge from any other eel is 650 volts. Electrical outlets in U.S. homes supply 120 volts of power. God gave eels power to keep them safe from other underwater creatures. “Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures innumerable, living things both small and great.” (Psalm 104:25)