Does it need a pinch of salt? | God's World News

Does it need a pinch of salt?

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    A cup of black tea is served with a spoon. Dr. Michelle Francl says a tiny bit of salt in tea makes it less bitter. (AP/Alastair Grant)
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    Anita Atkinson drinks tea in her tea shop in England. It is decorated with pictures of British royalty. (AP/Scott Heppell)
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    Girls drink tea during a tea party in England. (AP/Akira Suemori)
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    Did you know that tea comes from plants? A woman picks tea leaves in Kenya. (AP/Brian Inganga)
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    People all over the world drink tea. A woman makes tea in Taiwan. (AP/Chiang Ying-ying)
  • 1 Salt tea
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Mmm.   Hot tea is tasty.  Do you add honey or milk?  How about salt?

Dr. F. says a little salt makes tea less bitter.  Other tea drinkers say she is wrong.  What do you think?

Pray: Thank God for drinks like hot tea. What is your favorite hot drink?

Read More:
Dr. Michelle Francl teaches chemistry at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania. She wrote a book about tea. She says adding a little salt to the brew makes it seem less bitter. Tea is the national drink of the United Kingdom. A British company called Debrett’s coaches people on etiquette. It wrote about Dr. Francl’s book on social media. “Don’t even say the word ‘salt’ to us.” People in England and America tease each other about how to make the best tea!

“Everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil.” (Ecclesiastes 3:13)

For more about tea, see Teatime around the World by Denyse Waissbluth in our Recommended Reading.