He has two great jobs. | God's World News

He has two great jobs.

  • 1 Constable teacher in India
    Mr. Than Singh is a police officer. He also teaches children in Delhi, India. (Courtesy of Ki Pathshala)
  • 2 Constable teacher in India COVID
    Mr. Than Singh held classes for children during the COVID pandemic. Many children in his area could not afford online school. (Sipa via AP Images)
  • 3 Constable teacher in India
    Children ages three to 15 attend Mr. Than Singh’s school for free. He had over 80 students early this year. (Courtesy of Ki Pathshala)
  • 1 Constable teacher in India
  • 2 Constable teacher in India COVID
  • 3 Constable teacher in India


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Mr. S. is a police man and a teacher. He saw kids on the streets. Their parents could not pay for school.

Mr. S. met with parents. He started a school. Classes are free!

Pray: Thank God for kind people who see a problem and work hard to fix it.  

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Than Singh works for the Delhi Police in India. He saw children on the streets. Some sold plastic bottles to make money. Others got into trouble. He started a school in 2015. Children ages three to 15 attend for free. He had over 80 students early this year. More than 200 past students went on to government schools. Classes begin at 3 o’clock and end at 5:30 p.m. each day. Donors buy school supplies. 

“Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)