What is that glow in the sky? | God's World News

What is that glow in the sky?

  • 1 Mirror Planet
    This is an artist’s drawing of what planet LTT9779b might look like. (LTT9779b NASA)
  • 2 Mirror planet
    An artist drew a picture of planet LTT9779b. The planet’s clouds reflect almost all the light that hits them. (Ricardo Ramirez Reyes, Universidad de Chile)
  • 3 Mirror planet
    An artist drew a spacecraft that studies exoplanets. (European Space Agency)
  • 4 Mirror planet
    Planet LTT9779b is like these giant mirror balls. The planet’s clouds look like metal and reflect light. (Pixabay)
  • 1 Mirror Planet
  • 2 Mirror planet
  • 3 Mirror planet
  • 4 Mirror planet


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People saw a planet. It shines like a mirror full of light.

It has clouds. They may be made of the same stuff as rocks in the Earth. Who ever heard of rock dust clouds?

Thank God for the beauty of the planets and stars. They show us how mighty our God is.

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A strange planet with a strange name caught people’s eyes in July. Planet LTT9779b is in our Milky Way. It is a bit bigger than Neptune. Neptune is about as wide as four Earths. LTT9779b goes around a Sun-like star every 19 hours. The planet is hotter than lava. The planet’s clouds look like metal. They reflect almost all the light that hits them. The glowing globe is like a giant mirror. Nothing else known reflects so much light. 

“The heavens declare the glory of God.” (Psalm 19:1)