He lived under the sea. | God's World News

He lived under the sea.

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    Dr. Joseph Dituri looks out of the lodge. (Frazier Nivens/Florida Keys News Bureau via AP)
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    Dr. D. waves to a diver. (Frazier Nivens/Florida Keys News Bureau via AP)
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    The lodge was once a lab. (Public domain)
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    The lodge was once a lab. (Public domain)
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    Dr. D gets ready to leave the water. He spent 100 days under the sea. (Mariano Lorde/Florida Keys News Bureau via AP)
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Dr. D. lived under water for a while. He wanted to learn. What happens when a person stays in a sea lodge a long time?

What did Dr. D. miss the most? The Sun!

Pray: Thank God we can study what life is like under the sea. God gave everything He made just the right place to live.

Read More: People call Dr. Joseph Dituri “Dr. Deep Sea.” He is a professor in South Florida. He stayed 100 days under the sea. That is a record. The sea lodge sits 30 feet deep in the Florida Keys. Water pressure in the lodge is higher than air pressure on land. Dr. Dituri did well. He taught over 2,500 students online. He says people could care for oceans by living in them. What do you think? 

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” (Genesis 2:15)