He makes an old plane new. | God's World News

He makes an old plane new.

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    The first Air Force One is shiny again. People restore it in Virginia. (First Air Force One)
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    President and Mrs. Eisenhower board the plane in the 1950s. (First Air Force One)
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    The plane sat in the Arizona desert for a long time. (First Air Force One)
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    The inside of the plane still needs a lot of work. This is the room where President Eisenhower sat. It is called the stateroom. (First Air Force One)
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    William Borchers cleans up a piece of the plane. (First Air Force One)
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    The pilots sat in this cockpit. (First Air Force One)
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A president flew on this plane.  Then people left it in the desert.  It started falling apart.

Now Mr. B. makes it shine.  He puts in new walls and floors. 

Pray: Thank God for fun ways to learn about history. 

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President Dwight Eisenhower used this plane 70 years ago. It was the first plane called Air Force One. That is the name for planes that carry the President. It later sat in the desert. The ceiling sagged. The shiny sides got dirty. William Borchers and others restore it in Virginia. They take out all the wood inside. Mr. Borchers replaces it with aluminum. The plane will one day look like it did when the President used it. It will be a flying museum. 

Jesus makes people new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)