His team helps runners race. | God's World News

His team helps runners race.

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    A group of Ethiopian runners works out in a park in New York. (AP)
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    One of the members of this team, Gima Bekele Gebre, finished third in the New York City Marathon. (AP)
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    Ethiopian runners talk with Bill Staab, president of The West Side Runner’s Club. (AP)
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    Bill Staab spent 40 years and his own money helping these immigrant runners get paperwork to come to the U.S. to race. (AP)
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    Flag of Ethiopia
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Fast runners come to the United States. Why? They want to run big races.

Bill Staab leads the West Side Runners’ Club. He helps immigrant runners.  


READ MORE: New York City’s West Side Runners’ Club is a team of runners. Many are immigrants. They are not from the United States. They travel back and forth from their home countries. Mr. Staab writes letters to help the athletes travel. He enters them in races. He helps pay race fees. He cheers them on. Many runners come from Ethiopia. “He’s like a father. We love him,” says one Ethiopian runner. “As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him,” says Psalm 103:13.