Oh deer, birds are on your back! | God's World News

Oh deer, birds are on your back!

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    Starlings sit on the backs of fallow deer standing in the high grass of the nature reserve. (AP)
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    Starling usually fly together in large flocks called “murmurations” (mur-mur-RAY-shuns) (AP)
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    God created many animals to depend on each other, like this small remora riding on a whale shark.
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    Birds rest on a water buffalo.
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    Clownfish live in a coral reef.
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Munch, munch. Deer chomp sweet meadow grass.

Buzz, buzz. Startled insects flit up into the air.

Snap. Gulp. Hungry starlings enjoy a free lunch.


READ MORE: Fallow deer rest in a meadow near Frankfurt, Germany. Starlings perch on their backs. The birds wait for lunch. The deer scare up insects as they graze. God created all kinds of animal pairs to work together for each other’s good. For example, oxpecker birds eat ticks on zebras. Sea anemones hitch rides on hermit crabs. Find out about other animal pairs. Psalm 147:9 reminds us that God “gives to the beasts their food, and to the young ravens that cry.”