It is never too late. | God's World News

It is never too late.

  • 1 Overdue book
    Chuck Hildebrandt holds the library book Baseball’s Zaniest Stars. He had it by accident for 50 years. It was due in 1974. (Terrie Wendricks via AP)
  • 2 Overdue book
    Mr. Hildebrandt returned the book to the library in Warren, Michigan. The library director forgave him. She let him keep the book. (Terrie Wendricks via AP)
  • 3 Baseballs Zaniest Stars
    Baseball’s Zaniest Stars is by Howard Liss. He wrote about famous players like Babe Ruth. (Public domain)
  • 1 Overdue book
  • 2 Overdue book
  • 3 Baseballs Zaniest Stars


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A kid kept a library book.  He found it on his shelf years later.  Mr. H. took the book back. 

The library let him keep it.  He raised money.  It will buy books for kids!  

Pray: Thank God for the chance to fix our mistakes.  Thank Him for people who forgive us.

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Chuck Hildebrandt had a library book for 50 years. He borrowed Baseball’s Zaniest Stars when he was 13. That was in Warren, Michigan. Now he is 63. He lives in Illinois. He returned to Warren at Thanksgiving. He met with the local library director. She said he could keep the book. She forgave him. Mr. Hildebrandt raised more than $5,000. He gave it to Reading Is Fundamental. The group gives books to children. Was that a good way to pay his overdue fine? 

“Owe no one anything, except to love each other.” (Romans 13:8)