Keep playing ball!
Tie a curved basket to your wrist. Put a ball in the basket. Throw the ball at a wall!
Balls zoom in the game jai alai (hi-uh-lie). Players want more people to enjoy it.
Pray: God knows we need fun and play after work. Thank God for time to play games!
Read More: Jai alai was first played in the mountains of France and Spain. People hit balls against church walls during festivals. Players used their hands, rackets, or wooden bats to bounce the ball. Someone started making gloves with baskets attached. The ball can go 180 miles per hour! Not many people go to jai alai games now. People who love the game want bigger crowds to come support it. Playing ball games can make your body strong! John prays for believers to “be in good health.” (3 John verse 2)