Mack beat his sister’s record. | God's World News

Mack beat his sister’s record.

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    Mack Rutherford flew around the world. No one else was with him. (AP/Virginia Mayo)
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    Mack’s plane is small. It fits just one person. (AP/Virginia Mayo)
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    Mack Rutherford lands his plane. He finished his trip! (AP/Virginia Mayo)
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    Mack’s older sister is Zara. She met him at his finish line. She made the same flight last year! (AP/Virginia Mayo)
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    Zara Rutherford waves when her trip is done. Her family came to greet her. Do you see Mack on the right? (AP/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)
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Mack R. just flew a plane around the world.  All alone.  He is 17.  He set a new record!

Mack beat his sister Zara.  She was the youngest ever (19) to do that in a very light plane.  Then he did it too!

Pray: Mack and Zara both worked hard to do what they did. Thank God that He helps us to do hard things.

Read More: The Rutherford teens grew up in a family that loves to fly. Mack took off and landed 68 times. He flew an ultralight plane. It could fly 186 miles per hour. The trip took five months. But Mack had to wait many times for permission to fly over or into some countries. He also landed to avoid monsoon rains, sandstorms, and very hot weather. He got advice every day from his parents and sister. Ecclesiastes 4:9 tells us, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil (work).”