Meet the geese police. | God's World News

Meet the geese police.

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    Geese are guards at a prison in Brazil. (Krieg Barrie)
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    A male goose named Piu-Piu walks near guards. Do you see other geese behind him in the concrete pond? (Reuters/Anderson Coelho)
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    Staff say geese are better guards than dogs. (Reuters/Anderson Coelho)
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    Dogs used to guard the prison. This dog guards a prison in Idaho. (AP/Paul Hosefros)
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    Geese protect their turf. They may attack people they do not know. (AP/Matthias Rietschel)
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Honk!   Geese waddle around this prison.  No one tries to escape.  Geese will fuss at them.

The prison used to have guard dogs.  Geese cost less to keep.  They also enjoy the pond!

Pray: Thank God for smart animals that help keep people safe.

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Dogs once guarded a prison in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Now geese have their jobs. Staff call them “geese agents.” The birds patrol a grassy space between the prison’s inside fence and main outer wall. Goose care is cheap. These waterfowl protect their turf. They see better than people. They are extremely loud when they spot anything new. People and electronic devices also guard inmates. Staff say geese guards are even more effective than dogs.

“Like a bird that strays from its nest is a man who strays from his home.” (Proverbs 27:8)