Moo-ving cows helps soil.
Chew chew. Cows stand around and eat grass. Do they stay in one place? That can be hard on soil.
Move the cows from one field to another. Those fields make tons of grass.
Pray farmers will use the gift of cows well so soil and air can be healthy.
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We can beef up our care for soil. Bison once roamed America’s plains. They ate grass. They stomped soil. Then the beasts moved on for more lush pastures. They left behind trampled dung. That is great fertilizer! The land rested. That process made topsoil as deep as 15 feet. Plants grew quickly. They clean the air. Farmers can move cattle from one fenced area to another. That helps the Earth in many ways. Bulls-eye! Cows surely are outstanding in their fields.
“Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds.” (Proverbs 27:23)