Name that elephant!
Scientists listened. Elephants “talked.” Rumble. Grunt. Rumble. Grunt.
Moms called to babies. They may have called them by name. What did the noises mean? Maybe, “I love you a ton!”
Pray: Thank God for calling His children by name. He knows everything about you. He loves it when you talk to Him.
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Some animals know their names. Dogs come when their names are called. Baby dolphins make up their own names. Some parrots may use names too. Scientists say we can add elephants to the club. Researchers followed elephants in Kenya. They watched elephants call to each other. They recorded the sounds. Elephants responded to their names when people played the sounds back. They flapped their ears and raised their trunks.
“The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field.” (Genesis 2:20)