New recipes fill an old book. | God's World News

New recipes fill an old book.

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    An original 1931 edition of "The Joy of Cooking" cookbook. Now there is a new version of the book. (AP)
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    The updated cover of the new “Joy Of Cooking.”
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    Irma S. Rombauer wrote the original cookbook. Her grandson helped create the new version.
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    John Becker, right, and his wife Megan Scott, rewrote “Joy of Cooking,” adding 600 new recipes on top of 4,000 newly tried-and-tested from the past. (AP)
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    Trying old recipes will give you a chance to learn about your family history.
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The Joy of Cooking has been a favorite for many years. Now there is a new Joy of Cooking.

It is full of new recipes and old favorites. John Becker and his wife Megan cooked every one of them. They wanted to be sure each recipe worked.


Read More: Joy of Cooking is filled with delicious recipes. Irma S. Rombauer wrote The Joy of Cooking cookbook 88 years ago. Her great-great grandson and his wife wanted to make the family cookbook better. They added 600 new recipes. They improved old ones. It was hard work. Meals are fun to make and share together. Jesus shared meals with friends. John 12:2 says, “They gave a dinner for Him there. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those reclining with Him at table.”