Pastor Lin is free. | God's World News

Pastor Lin is free.

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Pastor Lin helped a house church in China.  Leaders there say which churches can meet.  Police put Mr. Lin in jail.  

He was in prison a long time.  China freed him this year.

Pray for Christians in China.  Pray government leaders will come to know Jesus.

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David Lin tried to help a house church open a training center in Beijing, China. The church did not have government permission to worship. Police detained Pastor Lin in 2006. Leaders sentenced him to life in prison. China changed his sentence many times. It finally freed him in September. He is almost 70. He served fellow inmates in jail.  He translated the Bible into Chinese. His daughter says, “We have a lot of time to make up for.” 

“In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart. I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)