The smelly bird wins. | God's World News

The smelly bird wins.

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    The hoiho or yellow-eyed penguin won New Zealand’s Bird of the Year in September. (Hayden Parsons/AP)
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    There are not many yellow-eyed penguins. People work to help them. (Hayden Parsons via AP)
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    Hoiho stand about two feet tall. They weigh 11 to 13 pounds. That is about as much as a cat. (Hayden Parsons via AP)
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    Hoiho eat fish. They like cod and squid. (Hayden Parsons via AP)
  • 5 Smelly penguin
    A man rides past a mural. It has a picture of New Zealand’s 2023 Bird of the Year. That winner was the pūteketeke (PUH-tek-uh-tek-ay). (AP/Charlotte GrahamMcLay)
  • 1 Smelly penguin
  • 2 Smelly penguin
  • 3 Smelly penguin
  • 4 Smelly penguin
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It is noisy.  It smells like stinky fish.  It is shy.  Meet the yellow-eyed penguin.  It won Bird of the Year.  

There are not many of these waddling birds.  People work to help them.  

Pray: Thank God for every creature He made.  

Read More: 
Thousands of people voted for New Zealand’s Bird of the Year in September. The yellow-eyed penguin won. It is also called the hoiho (HOY-hoe). These are some of the rarest penguins. Hoiho means “noise shouter.” The birds shake their necks in screechy chirps. Hoiho live on New Zealand’s islands. Some also live on islands north of Antarctica. They can get caught in fishing nets. Buildings can crowd their nests. Dogs and cats hunt them. Some get diseases. Many people work to protect them. 

“I know all the birds of the hills.” (Psalm 50:11)  

For more about these waddling birds, see Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater in our Recommended Reading.