Race in other spots. | God's World News

Race in other spots.

  • 1 Chiles geoglyphs
    A drone view shows a very old geoglyph in the Atacama desert in Chile. (Reuters/Ivan Alvarado)
  • 2 Chiles geoglyphs
    A visitor walks past geoglyphs in Chile in October 2024. (Reuters/Ivan Alvarado)
  • 3 Chiles geoglyphs
    A drone view shows damage to geoglyphs. (Reuters/Ivan Alvarado)
  • 4 Chiles geoglyphs
    A man sandboards in a nature sanctuary in Chile. (Reuters/Ivan Alvarado)
  • 5 Chiles geoglyphs
    How can people in Chile protect their desert art? Where else could people ride and drive? (Reuters/Ivan Alvarado)
  • 1 Chiles geoglyphs
  • 2 Chiles geoglyphs
  • 3 Chiles geoglyphs
  • 4 Chiles geoglyphs
  • 5 Chiles geoglyphs


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Do you sculpt with clay?  People drew in soil long ago.  They carved huge pictures.  People love sports.  They go to the desert.  Bikers skid.  Drivers zoom.  They damage the art.

How can people protect the land?  

Pray people will find other places to play.  Pray they will keep desert art safe for years to come. 

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What if someone rode a bike over your clay art? It would not last long! Chile’s Atacama Desert is an art space. People carved animals, humans, and others shapes in it. That was more than 1,000 years ago. Businesses rent motorcycles and jeeps for racers. Many do not watch where they go. They harm the art. Gonzálo Pimentel is an archaeologist. He shows drone photos of the damage. Chile’s leaders work to put up more signs. They want to protect the area. 

“The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” (Psalm 24:1)