Round up the bison. | God's World News

Round up the bison.

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    Riders herd bison during the annual bison roundup at Antelope Island, Utah. (AP)
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    The riders gather the bison to give them medicine and keep track of their numbers. (AP)
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    A bison peers through the grass on Antelope Island in Utah. (AP)
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    Hundreds of people on horseback ride in the annual roundup of bison. (AP)
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    A worker puts a radio collar on an older bison cow. It will help track her health. (AP)
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A large herd of bison lives on an island in the Great Salt Lake. People round up the herd every year.

Each bison gets a checkup. Some are sold. The rest stay on the island. But there will be another roundup next year.


READ MORE: Antelope Island in Utah has 775 bison. It is small. It has enough food for about 500 bison. The roundup helps keep the herd healthy. Proverbs 27:23 says, “Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds.” Is it a bison or a buffalo? Bison live in North America. Water buffalo and Cape buffalo do not. Bison have a big hump and a thick beard. Their horns are short and sharp. Buffalo have no humps or beards. Their horns are large and round.