Serve others. Toss coins.
Your shiny coin flies up into the air. Plop! It lands in the Trevi Fountain. What happens to all that change?
People gather it. They give the coins to help those in need.
Pray: Thank God He showed people how to use all those coins. How might you use coins to help others?
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Many people visit the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy. Throw a coin with your right hand over your left shoulder. Legend says you will return to Rome! People also often add wishes. Four workers gather the change twice each week. People drain the fountain for cleaning twice per month. Hoses suck up coins. The coins go to a charity called Caritas. Caritas buys food for its supermarket. Needy people can get what they need there.
“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord. He will repay him for his deed.” (Proverbs 19:17)