Watch this big girl explore. | God's World News

Watch this big girl explore.

  • 1 Lee Beth shark
    LeeBeth was tagged in 2023 in South Carolina. She is 14 feet long. That is a big white shark! (Chip Michalove/AP)
  • 2 Lee Beth shark
    LeeBeth has been tracked farther into the Gulf of Mexico than any other tagged white shark. (Chip Michalove/AP)
  • 3 AP21232488870045
    Seals enjoy the sunlight and swim near Cape Cod in Massachusetts. They are a favorite meal for sharks. (Charles Krupa/AP)
  • 4 White shark credit Terry Goss CC BY SA 3 0 DEED
    A great white shark swims near Mexico. (Terry Goss/CC by-SA 3.0 Deed)
  • 1 Lee Beth shark
  • 2 Lee Beth shark
  • 3 AP21232488870045
  • 4 White shark credit Terry Goss CC BY SA 3 0 DEED


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LeeBeth likes to travel.  She swims all over the sea.  She is a huge white shark.

People put a tag on LeeBeth.  They track where she goes.  People want to do more to protect sharks.

Pray: Thank God for sharks.  They may seem scary.  But these top predators are important in the food chain.

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LeeBeth is on the move. Scientists put a tracking device on her in December near South Carolina. Her 14-foot-long body swam more than 2,000 miles. LeeBeth went deep into the Gulf of Mexico. She went farther in that direction than any other tracked white shark. Scientists want to learn where white sharks travel. People once hunted them too much. A rule in 1997 made them a protected species. Now their numbers grow. Groups all over the world tag thousands of white sharks.

“Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures.” (Psalm 104:25)