Share space in outer space. | God's World News

Share space in outer space.

  • 1 New space crew
    Look from left to right. The astronauts are Russia’s Konstantin Borisov, Denmark’s Andreas Mogensen, the United States’ Jasmin Moghbeli, and Japan’s Satoshi Furukawa. (AP/John Raoux)
  • 2 New space crew
    The crew members rode on this SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. (Joel Kowsky/NASA via AP)
  • 3 New space crew
    Denmark’s Andreas Mogensen (left front), NASA’s Jasmin Moghbeli (right front), Russia’s Konstantin Borisov (back left), and Japan’s Satoshi Furukawa head to the launch pad. (AP/Terry Renna)
  • 4 New space crew
    The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. (AP/Terry Renna)
  • 5 New space crew
    The rocket soars into space. (Malcolm Denemark/Florida Today via AP)
  • 1 New space crew
  • 2 New space crew
  • 3 New space crew
  • 4 New space crew
  • 5 New space crew


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Blast off!  This has never happened before.  There are 4 people from 4 countries.  They all got on 1 space shuttle.

They learn about space as a team.  Would you go to space?

Pray: Thank God when countries work well with each other. They learn about God’s wonders together.

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Four people from four countries went to the International Space Station in August. The commander works for NASA. She is a Marine. Her parents escaped from Iran and moved to New York. The man from Denmark is an engineer. A man from Japan is a doctor. The man from Russia is also an engineer. The crew will do over 200 science experiments and technology tests. That will help NASA prepare for trips to the Moon, Mars, and more.

“You have set your glory above the heavens.” (Psalm 8:1)