She made it to the finish line! | God's World News

She made it to the finish line!

  • 1 jasmin paris1 credit Jacob Zocherman
    Jasmin Paris is the first woman to finish the Barkley Marathons 100-mile race. (Jacob Zocherman)
  • 2 jasmin paris2 credit Jacob Zocherman
    Mrs. Paris was very tired at the end of the race. She ran for almost 60 hours. (Jacob Zocherman)
  • 3 jasmin paris AP060401023043
    Gary Cantrell organizes the Barkley Marathons. People racing for the first time must bring him a license plate from their state or country. This photo is from the 2006 race. (AP/Wade Payne)
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    David Horton is one of the few people who has finished the race. He checks the race map in 2006. (AP/Wade Payne)
  • 5 jasmin paris Barkley Marathons AP060401021823
    People look at a map of the race in 2006. The Barkley Marathons are some of the toughest races in the world. (AP/Wade Payne)
  • 1 jasmin paris1 credit Jacob Zocherman
  • 2 jasmin paris2 credit Jacob Zocherman
  • 3 jasmin paris AP060401023043
  • 4 jasmin paris AP060401023076
  • 5 jasmin paris Barkley Marathons AP060401021823


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Mrs. Paris was the first woman to finish a long race.

She ran all day and all night for 2 and a half days.  You would stop to sleep.  She took a 3-minute nap!

Pray: Thank God for giving us strong bodies that can run and play.

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Jasmin Paris is a veterinarian, wife, and mom from Scotland. She is 40. She loves to run. Mrs. Paris became the first woman to finish the Barkley Marathons 100-mile race in March. The race is in Frozen Head State Park in Tennessee. Runners must complete the race in 60 hours. Only 20 people have ever finished on time. Mrs. Paris finished with 99 seconds left! She says bananas keep her going. She also eats cheese and pickle sandwiches!

“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

For more about runners, see Wilma Rudolph by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara in our Recommended Reading.