Shrink your farm.
Baa! Some people do not have much land. They want to farm. They get smaller animals.
Would you like to snuggle a tiny sheep? These are about as tall as a sofa pillow.
Pray: Thank God that He cares for even the smallest creatures. He cares much more for you!
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Were these farm animals zapped with shrink ray guns? No. Some creatures are born small. Others are bred to be tiny. They eat less food. They take up less space. They do not need high fences. Sales of teeny animals have grown. Millions of people watch tiny goats and two-foot-tall horses on internet videos. The smallest cows and donkeys are about three feet high.
God did not love the Israelites because they were extra good or the biggest nation. They were small! He loved them because He loved them. (Read Deuteronomy 7:7-8)