Swim in plastic. | God's World News

Swim in plastic.

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    Holden Bierman started his own business. (Courtesy of Coastal Cool)
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    The swimsuits are made using recycled plastic. (Courtesy of Coastal Cool)
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    Coastal Cool sponsored a beach cleanup in Guatemala. Workers removed 500 pounds of plastic. (Courtesy of Coastal Cool)
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    Holden talks to other young people about starting their own businesses. (Courtesy of Coastal Cool)
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Holden was 12.  He started to sell clothes.  Then he had an idea.  Why not make swim suits out of plastic bottles? 

He helps clean the ocean one suit at a time!

Pray: Thank God for people who think of smart ways to reuse plastic. 

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Holden Bierman lives in North Carolina. He is 16. He got stuck at home in sixth grade when a sickness broke out. He made a business plan. He showed it to his parents. He started making T-shirts and hoodies. Could he use plastic to make swim clothes? Yes! He teamed up with a group called Tidey. That business keeps plastic from the ocean. Holden makes swim suits from recycled plastic bottles. His company is called Coastal Cool. 

“For the Earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:9)