That is a long school day. | God's World News

That is a long school day.

  • 1 Long walk
    Luyanda Hlali gets ready at dawn for her long walk to school. (AP/Mogomotsi Magome)
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    Luyanda Hlali and her friend, Mimi, walk two hours to reach their school. (AP/Mogomotsi Magome)
  • 3 Long walk
    Three high school girls make their way through the city. They are on their way to class. (AP/Sebabatso Mosamo)
  • 4 Long walk
    School children prepare to walk home at the end of the day. (AP/Sebabatso Mosamo)
  • 5 Long walk
    A student walks alone to school in Dundee, South Africa. (AP/Sebabatso Mosamo)
  • 1 Long walk
  • 2 Long walk
  • 3 Long walk
  • 4 Long walk
  • 5 Long walk


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Luyanda gets up before the Sun.  She does her chores.  She walks about two hours to get to school.

Her parents can not drive her.  There are no buses.  She wants to learn!

Pray people in South Africa will find safe ways to get all students to and from school.

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Luyanda Hlali is 14. She attends classes in Dundee, South Africa. Thousands of children like her must walk to the nearest school. Luyanda walks six miles each way. The government is supposed to help children who travel around two miles or more. South Africa struggles with poverty. There is not enough money to pay for buses. One school has only two old buses. They can carry a total of 65 children. But there are over 400 students. What will help?

God promises Israel, “All your children shall be taught by the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:13)