This dog takes the cake. | God's World News

This dog takes the cake.

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    Leonel Costa pets Bobi. (Reuters/Catarina Demony)
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    Bobi broke a record. He is the oldest dog. (Guinness World Records via AP)
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    Rafeiro do Alentejo dogs are from Portugal. (Handout)
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    We can thank God for our pets. (Pixabay)
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Bobi is the world’s oldest dog. Mr. C. is his owner. He gave Bobi a birthday party. Bobi ate meat and fish.

Mr. C. has had many old dogs. But Bobi is one of a kind!

Pray: Thank God for the blessing of pets. It is a joy to have a pet to play with and love.

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Bobi turned 31 in May. He is a Portuguese breed called Rafeiro do Alentejo. He lives in Conqueiros, Portugal. Leonel Costa owns Bobi. Mr. Costa threw his dog a party. He served 100 guests. Mr. Costa believes one reason Bobi has lived so long is because he lives in a “calm, peaceful environment.” Bobi likes to hang out at home and take lots of naps.

God governs the days of every creature and person. “In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.” (Job 12:10)

Update: Guinness World Records ruled in February of 2024 that it does not have enough proof that Bobi was the oldest dog in the world. Bobi died in October of 2023.