Watch out for parrots! | God's World News

Watch out for parrots!

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    Parrots like this one take over the town of Hilario Ascasubi in Argentina. The birds stay through autumn and winter. (Reuters/Agustin Marcarian)
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    Parrots stand on a cable in Hilario Ascasubi in late September 2024. (Reuters/Agustin Marcarian)
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    Parrots stand on a switch box and cables. They peck at the cables. That often makes the power go out. (Reuters/Agustin Marcarian)
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    Parrots perch on power lines. They do not have enough trees in the nearby hills. They come to town for food, water, and shelter. (Reuters/Agustin Marcarian)
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    Thousands of parrots come to Hilario Ascasubi each year. (Reuters/Agustin Marcarian)
  • 1 Parrot invasion
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Whoosh.  Screech.  The parrots are back.  Many fly to a town.  They bite power lines.  The power often goes out.  The birds make a mess.  

They need more trees.  Where should they go?  

Pray God will give people good ideas to help parrots.  Pray the birds will have a safe home. 

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Hilario Ascasubi is a town in Argentina. Thousands of parrots settle there in autumn and winter. The birds bite electrical cables. They squawk. They leave messy droppings. Daiana Lera is a biologist. She says the parrots live in trees on hillsides. People have cut down many of those trees. Parrots look for food, water, and shelter in town. People want them to leave. How can people and birds live in peace? 

All creatures look to God for their needs. “When you open your hand, they are filled with good things.” (Psalm 104:27)