Beavers keep fires out. | God's World News

Beavers keep fires out.

  • 1 Beaver Release AP061010024588
    People release a beaver near Inkom, Idaho. (AP/Journal, Bill Schrader)
  • 2 Parachuting Beavers Idaho2
    People placed beavers in crates with parachutes. They dropped them from planes. (Public Domain via KUOW)
  • 3 Beaver Dam AP20288050093107
    Beavers build dams. That makes wetlands. Wetlands do not catch on fire easily. (Jon Fuller Photography/NaturePhoto)
  • 4 Alberta Beaver public domain
    Beavers are the largest rodents in North America. (Public Domain)
  • 1 Beaver Release AP061010024588
  • 2 Parachuting Beavers Idaho2
  • 3 Beaver Dam AP20288050093107
  • 4 Alberta Beaver public domain

They drop out of planes.  They ride on horses.  People bring these small fire fighters to forests.  They are beavers!

Beavers help water flow over land.  That means fewer fires and more trees.

Pray: Thank God for the ways He designed each creature to serve others.

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Many used to think beavers were a bother. Beavers gnaw trees. They build dams that slow water flow. People dropped the pesky rodents from planes in 1948. They landed in boxes with parachutes over Idaho. Guess what? Those critters helped reroute water in forests. That made wetlands. Wetlands keep land healthy. Trees do not catch fire easily. NASA took pictures from space. These showed that beavers reduce droughts. Now people bring beavers into Utah’s forests in carriers on horses. Giddyap, fire fighters.

“With God are wisdom and might. He has counsel and understanding.” (Job 12:13)