Her art points to God’s love. | God's World News

Her art points to God’s love.

  • 1 April Harrison
    April Harrison is an artist. She taught herself to make art. (Courtesy of April Harrison)
  • 2 What is G Iven from the Heart2
    Ms. Harrison did the art for What Is Given from the Heart by Patricia C. McKissack. The story is about a mother who teaches her son the joy of giving. Ms. Harrison won an award for her art. (Handout)
  • 3 Nana Akua Goes to School2
    Nana Akua Goes to School is by Tricia Elam Walker. Ms. Harrison made the art. The book is about a girl who celebrates her grandmother from Ghana on Grandparents Day. (Handout)
  • 4 Me and the Boss
    Me and the Boss is by Michelle Edwards. A boy learns to sew. He fixes his sister’s torn stuffed bear. Ms. Harrison made the art and won an award. (Handout)
  • 5 April Harrison Facebook 6 22 Still Here22
    Still Here is a painting by April Harrison. Do you see the woman’s big hands holding her Bible close? She loves God’s word! (Courtesy of April Harrison, Facebook)
  • 1 April Harrison
  • 2 What is G Iven from the Heart2
  • 3 Nana Akua Goes to School2
  • 4 Me and the Boss
  • 5 April Harrison Facebook 6 22 Still Here22


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Ms. H. makes art.  Some of her art is in books.  One book shows a mom teaching her son.  He learns the joy of sharing.

Her art shows how good God and family are.

Pray: Thank God for the gift of family. What art can you make to thank God for His gifts?

Read More:
April Harrison lives in Greenville, South Carolina. She taught herself to make art. She uses water and paint, markers, and pens. She uses pictures from magazines, paintings, and objects she finds on the street. Her art shows big hands. They remind people that kind touch is a blessing. Ms. Harrison likes to show God’s love in her work. She says messes and mistakes are good. They lead to new kinds of art. God is the master artist. “Just look around at all His creativity!”

“Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:14)

For more about art, see The Art Lesson by Tomie de Paola in our Recommended Reading.