Farm dogs could win prizes.
Meet a farm dog. It hunts rats. It herds animals like sheep and cows. It also guards them.
Now these pups can be in more dog contests. Would you give this pooch the top prize?
Pray: Thank God for dogs. Thank Him that they serve us and play with us.
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The American Kennel Club keeps an official list of purebred dogs in the United States. It welcomed the Danish-Swedish farmdog this year. Now the pup can compete for best in show prizes in dog contests. This dog weighs about as much as a large watermelon. Do not be fooled by its size. These little ones have lots of energy. They love to work. They are good with children. Would you like to have one for a buddy?
God said, “Let the Earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds.” And it was so. (Genesis 1:24)
Recommended Reading: For more about dogs, read Ragweed's Farm Dog Handbook by Anne Vittur Kennedy.