Fish for LEGOs. | God's World News

Fish for LEGOs.

  • 1 Lego Tracey Williams
    Richard West is a fisherman. He caught a LEGO shark in his nets in 2024. (Tracey Williams)
  • 2 Lego Tracey Williams
    The shark was one of many LEGOs that spilled into the sea. A wave pushed them into the ocean in 1997. (Tracey Williams)
  • 3 Lego Liutauras
    Liutauras is 14. He found a LEGO octopus on Marazio beach in England. (Vytautas Cemolonskas)
  • 4 Lego Tracey Williams
    People hope to find more of the LEGOs. Would you like to find one of the dragons? (Tracey Williams)
  • 5 Lego life raft Tracey Williams BORDER
    A fisherman caught this LEGO life raft in 2024. (Tracey Williams) 
  • 6 Lego Tracey Williams BORDER
    Crew on a ship found many LEGOs last summer. They were off the coast of England. (Tracey Williams) 
  • 1 Lego Tracey Williams
  • 2 Lego Tracey Williams
  • 3 Lego Liutauras
  • 4 Lego Tracey Williams
  • 5 Lego life raft Tracey Williams BORDER
  • 6 Lego Tracey Williams BORDER


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A huge ship carried LEGO bricks.  A wave pushed the LEGOs into the sea!  Now people find them on the beach.  

Mr. West is a fisherman.  He caught a LEGO shark in his net.  

Pray: Thank God for toys like LEGO bricks.  Pray fish do not try to eat the ones in the sea!

Read More: 
A wave swept 62 shipping containers of LEGO bricks off a cargo ship. That was in 1997. The ship was near England’s coast. More than four million LEGOs tumbled into the ocean. There were flippers and scuba tanks. There were dragons and octopuses. LEGOs have been found near England and Ireland. Even people in Norway find them. Fisherman Richard West thinks the LEGO shark he found is a treasure. 

“Who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out upon the surface of the Earth? The Lord is His name.” (Amos 9:6)