He made it to the top! | God's World News

He made it to the top!

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    Ezequiel da Luz has only one leg. He cannot move his lower body. Volunteers helped him to the top of a mountain in Brazil. (AP/Lucas Dumphreys)
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    Volunteers help Mr. da Luz on a trail. (AP/Lucas Dumphreys)
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    A wheelchair and ropes helped Mr. da Luz go up the steep hike. (AP/Lucas Dumphreys)
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    Inclusion Collective is the group that helped Mr. da Luz. (AP/Lucas Dumphreys)
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    Do you see why Mr. da Luz wanted to climb this mountain? Look at those views! (AP/Lucas Dumphreys)
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    The peak of Pedra da Gavea is a challenge to reach. Volunteers worked hard to get Mr. da Luz to the top. (AP/Lucas Dumphreys)
  • 1 Paraplegic hikes
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  • 3 Paraplegic hikes
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  • 6 Paraplegic hikes


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Push through jungle.  Climb up rocks.  That is a hard hike.  Most people in a wheelchair could never try it. 

Mr. da Luz did.  He went up a mountain.  How?  Kind friends helped him!

Pray: Thank God for people who help those with special needs.  

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Ezequiel da Luz cannot move his lower body. He went up one of Rio de Janiero’s hardest trails in December. Inclusion Collective is a group in Brazil. It helps people with special needs. Volunteers guided Mr. da Luz on his eight-hour climb. They used ropes to lift his chair up a mountain. Clouds cleared when he reached the top. He says God was generous. “Look there, what an incredible view,” he said. 

“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord.” (Psalm 121:1-2)