Find a way to use it! | God's World News

Find a way to use it!

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    Seaweed covers a beach. (AP/Ricardo Mazalan)
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    Dr. Keeran Ward poses with his team. They worked with seaweed. (University of the West Indies)
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    Scientists make a wrap from seaweed. (University of the West Indies)
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    Workers clear seaweed from a beach. (AP/Eduardo Verdugo)
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    Plastic wrap keeps food fresh. Seaweed wrap can do the same. (123RF)
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Eww. There is too much seaweed. It piles up on beaches. It smells bad as it rots. Dr. W. found a use for it.

He took seaweed and made a wrap for food!

Pray: Thank God for new uses for seaweed. God has a good purpose for all He has made.

Read More: Dr. Keeran Ward is an engineer from Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. He saw tons of sargassum in the ocean. It clutters beaches. Dr. Ward’s team tested it. The seaweed has chain-like molecules like those in plastic. Team members mixed the seaweed with acids, salts, and chemicals. They shaped it into a thin film to cover food. It can handle heat over 400 degrees. More than 90 percent of it can decompose (break down) in less than three weeks. 

“All things were created through Him and for Him.” (Colossians 1:16)