Sit and visit a bit. | God's World News

Sit and visit a bit.

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    Malli Jarrett works at the soda fountain. She serves a drink. (AP/John Raby)
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    These two workers are called “soda jerks.” They jerk a handle to pour soda. (AP/John Raby)
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    People eat at Griffith & Feil Drug. (AP/John Raby)
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    Soda fountains were often in pharmacies. (AP/John Raby)
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    Ric Griffith owns Griffith & Feil Pharmacy & Soda Fountain. (AP/John Raby)
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God's Big WORLD | Ages 3-6 | $35.88 per year

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Mr. G. runs a soda fountain. He likes to see people gather in his store.

Sip a cherry drink with a friend. Grab a juicy burger. Mr. G.’s store is a great place to connect!

Pray: Thank God for spaces where we can gather and share a meal. God wants us to have the joy of community.

Read More: Mr. Ric Griffith and his daughter, Heidi, are pharmacists at a soda fountain. They run Griffith & Feil Drug in Kenova, West Virginia. The business got its start 131 years ago. The store offers lunch and dinner specials at the front. Customers can listen to a jukebox while they visit. Mr. Griffith wants to keep a space where people can sit down and share stories. He says the soda fountain has blessed him in many ways. 

“Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” (Romans 15:7)