He loves people and their pets. | God's World News

He loves people and their pets.

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    Dr. Kwane Stewart lets Popcorn the dog sniff his hand. Popcorn’s owner lives in a tent in Los Angeles, California. (AP/Damian Dovarganes)
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    Dr. Kwane Stewart is “The Street Vet.” He checks a dog’s health. (AP/Damian Dovarganes)
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    Dr. Kwane Stewart checks the ears of Big Mike’s dog in the Skid Row area of Los Angeles, California. (AP/ Damian Dovarganes)
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    Dr. Kwane Stewart gets to know Kilo the dog. Kilo’s owner lives in a tent in Skid Row. (AP/ Damian Dovarganes)
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    Dr. Kwane Stewart greets Popcorn the dog. (AP/ Damian Dovarganes)
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Dr. S. met a man and his dog on the street 10 years ago. The pup had fleas. Dr. S. helped the dog get well.

Now Dr. S. helps animals on the street each day.

Pray: Praise God, who cares for all He has made. He helps us serve people and animals. 

Read More: 
Dr. Kwane Stewart took care of stray animals when he was young. He later became a vet. He founded Project Street Vet in 2020. His team serves the homeless in California. Over 580,000 people in America are homeless. Many shelters don’t allow pets. People who love their furry friends often choose to live on the street. Dr. Stewart gives free exams, vaccines, and more. He hopes to help in other places too. 

“For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress.” (Isaiah 25:4)