Jake’s mice help scientists.
Jake Litvag has autism [aw-tizem]. Doctors put tiny cells from Jake’s blood into some mice.
The mice now are missing the same gene as Jake. The mice may show doctors how to help kids like Jake.
Pray: Praise God for the way He has made you. He knows all about you. He loves you.
Read More: Jake Litvag is 16. He likes people, is funny, goes to school, and plays in a band. Doctor John Constantino has been caring for Jake for a long time. Autism affects parts of a person’s nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves). Doctors look at the mice’s nervous systems. Maybe they will learn what happened in Jake’s body. Jake is proud that these mice could someday help others. Every one of the days God has formed for you are written in His book. Read Psalm 139:13-16.