What wonders lie under the ice?
Birds and mice make nests. So do icefish in Antarctica [ant-ARK-tik-ah]!
People studied the fish. A ship pulled cameras under the ice. The experts saw nests, nests, and more nests!
Pray: Thank God that He “will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” (Micah 7:19)
Read More: A research team from the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany studied Jonah’s icefish in the Weddell Sea of Antarctica. They found what they think is the world’s largest fish breeding area. There could have been over 60 million icefish breeding. Round fish nests were about five inches deep and had small stones in the middle. Many nests held thousands of eggs. Did you ever think that fish made nests? Or that so many fish would be in one place? The Jonah’s icefish are among God’s “wondrous works in the deep.” (Psalm 107:24)