Keep fox tummies full. | God's World News

Keep fox tummies full.

  • 1 Arctic fox RC2 NZZ91 W9 T8 reuters
    A female Arctic fox plays. People in Norway leave out food for Arctic foxes. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner)
  • 2 Foxes Norway RC2 KA2 AWD31 E reuters
    Veterinarian Marianne W. Furnes gives medicine to an Arctic fox pup in Norway. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner)
  • 3 lemming 136114486 123rf
    Arctic foxes like to eat lemmings. (123rf)
  • 4 Arctic foxes RC2 PZZ9 FL7 Z6 reuters
    Snowmobile tracks are seen at the Arctic Fox Captive Breeding Station in Norway. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner)
  • 5 Arctic fox RC2 PZZ9 FL7 Z6 reuters
    An Arctic fox watches as scientists set up bamboo sticks to prevent eagle attacks. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner)
  • 1 Arctic fox RC2 NZZ91 W9 T8 reuters
  • 2 Foxes Norway RC2 KA2 AWD31 E reuters
  • 3 lemming 136114486 123rf
  • 4 Arctic foxes RC2 PZZ9 FL7 Z6 reuters
  • 5 Arctic fox RC2 PZZ9 FL7 Z6 reuters


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Arctic foxes like to eat lemmings.  Lemmings look like hamsters.  There are not a lot of lemmings.  What can foxes eat?  People leave them dog food.

They hope foxes will have more kits.

Pray God will help foxes and lemmings grow in numbers. Each creature God made is important.

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Hardangervidda National Park is in Norway. Staffers there raise Arctic foxes. They release the young, called kits, into the wild. Foxes eat lemmings. There are fewer lemmings these days. Scientists put dog food at more than 30 feeding stations. Is it wise to feed foxes on land that no longer has enough rodents for them to hunt? Norway has fed wild foxes for nearly 20 years. That costs about $300,000 per year. There are around 550 Arctic foxes across Scandinavia today.

“These all look to you to give them their food in due season.” (Psalm 104:27)