Race in the skies. | God's World News

Race in the skies.

  • 1 Jet suit
    Jet suit pilots race in Dubai. They direct themselves with jet engines on their hands and backs. (AP/Jon Gambrell)
  • 2 Jet suit
    Racers zip around obstacles over water. (AP/Jon Gambrell)
  • 3 Jet suit
    Pilots fly near Dubai’s skyscrapers. Dubai is a big city. (AP/Jon Gambrell)
  • 4 Jet suit
    Richard Browning works for Gravity Industries. He races in a jet suit. Does he look like he is having fun? (AP/Jon Gambrell)
  • 5 Jet suit
    Jet suit pilot Issa Kalfon of the United Kingdom is in the center. He won the race. (AP/Jon Gambrell)
  • 1 Jet suit
  • 2 Jet suit
  • 3 Jet suit
  • 4 Jet suit
  • 5 Jet suit


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Put on a backpack engine.  Strap on a helmet.  Those are not gloves on your hands.  They are more engines.  You are in a jet suit.  Fly!

Zoom.   People race in jet suits over water.

Pray: Thank God for the fun of flying. What new ways to travel will people think of next?

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Seven pilots lined up in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in February. They had jet engines strapped to their hands and backs. They flew in the first jet suit race! A company called Gravity Industries makes the suits. The engines run on the same fuel as planes. Pilots hovered over a water channel. They sped around obstacles. The suits can go 80 miles per hour. Issa Kalfon from the United Kingdom won.

David wrote that if he could fly on the wings of the morning, even there God would lead and hold him. (Psalm 139:9-10)